Brad was so warm and snuggly, we accidentally stayed in bed a little past 7. He needs to be reachable by his work by 7 so that was not...
I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then spent some time on Facebook while waiting for my free book & paid emails to...
What a rough night! Normally I would leave these details out of my post but after I woke up a bit it became too hilarious not to include....
I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off...
I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed on SL while also getting dressed in RL and getting Casey up,...
I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed in SL while also getting dressed in RL and getting Casey up,...
I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off about the usual time, then...
I got up and got my latte while the computer booted, then parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at...
Got up fairly early and got my latte. The computer was still working on updates from the night before, so I let it be. I heard from...
Got up and got my latte while the computer booted, then got parked on SL for a bit. ArcheAge servers were back up, so I got on there. The...
Got up early so I could call the doctor’s office and the school. Got my latte and got parked on SL, then made the phone calls. Was able...
Words cannot express how upset I am as I write this. But I’ll get to the reasons why shortly. The day started out like any other. After...
Got my laptop!
Sorry for the radio silence, but it took some serious effort to get back up and running again on the new laptop! I was kind of falling...
MRI and zzzzzzz…
My tummy finally settled enough to get to bed last night, and I was able to drink coffee this morning without incident. I had checked the...
I give up!
The desktop is toast. Done. Fried. The BSOD/Boot Device Not Found error comes up way too frequently to justify even trying to use it...
I give up!
The desktop is toast. Done. Fried. The BSOD/Boot Device Not Found error comes up way too frequently to justify even trying to use it...
New laptop… ORDERED!!!
I cannot possibly even begin to describe how excited I am!! I did our taxes this afternoon, and told Dave how much we were getting back,...