I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home.
Someone had messaged me on Second Life in the night, inquiring about a job at the Cafe. I sent them a reply that I wasn’t sure what the state of the Cafe was, that I was debating trying to sell the land.
I took care of my free book & paid emails as they came in, then got on Fallout 76 on the Xbox for a while. I didn’t have anything in mind to do, though, so I ended up logging off and heading to Walmart. Since getting the new wallet, I’d felt like doing some shopping. This was the perfect opportunity — I needed to get some hand soap and taco stuff anyway.
After I got home from Walmart, I got the groceries put away and then had some lunch before getting started on work. I hadn’t worked since the week of Thanksgiving. That week, the work queue was emptied and there wasn’t work loaded until the week before Christmas. There was only work in the queue for about a week, and then it was empty again. So, I was glad I hadn’t bothered. Work was loaded back into the queue just before New Years, but I was caught up in the Xbox and used the holiday as an excuse to avoid it. On Monday and Tuesday, I was doing other things and couldn’t be bothered trying to squeeze some work in. I knew I needed to get back into the swing of things, though.
I got an hour of work in while watching NCIS, and then chilled for about half an hour before going to get Casey from school. Once he was back home, we went on the Nintendo eShop online and got him Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the Switch. My parents had given him money for Christmas and he’d wanted that game before he knew about Super Mario Maker 2.
I got back to work while Casey played on the Switch. I watched an episode of NCIS: New Orleans while I worked. Once the episode was over, I shut off the Xbox. I got on Aura Kingdom to do some of the daily stuff, but mostly just kept an eye on AdultFriendFinder and powered through 2 more hours of work. I was proud of myself! I’d set a goal of getting 2 hours of work in and I had exceeded that goal by 2 hours!
I chatted with Cyn for a while about various things, including how I wanted to send Brad a text just because he’d been on AFF and had looked at my profile. She pointed out that I’d said I wasn’t going to send him one because he hadn’t been replying, so I went and got in the shower instead.
After my shower, I got Casey ready for bed. I read to him and tucked him in, then went back to chatting with Cyn.
I’d told her that I text him every day, even if he doesn’t respond, even if it’s just to say I hope things were going ok. Finally, I’d made up my mind. I text him every day regardless, so I would send him another text. I sent it out and then kept chatting with her for a while.
I was debating getting on Minecraft, but I was also already tired and thinking about going to bed. I didn’t really want to do either, because I was hoping to hear from Brad and be able to go to his house. Finally, I decided to just try and sleep. I could keep my phone close to my head so I would be more likely to hear if he texted me, and I could always get up and dressed and head over there.
I was still awake and heard Casey get up to use the bathroom. Once he was done, he sat down on the toilet lid and started fussing. He was coughing a bit, and I was worried that mucous had gotten into his tummy and made him feel sick. I was asking him what was wrong, and he said his neck felt weird. I asked if it hurt or how it felt weird, but he said he didn’t know. He kept fussing for a while, and I came to the conclusion he was just out of whack from having to get up to use the bathroom in the night. I carried him back to bed and he fell asleep right away.
I laid back down in bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.