I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got parked on SL. Yeah, I started doing that again. I got dressed (in RL) while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed to the dentist’s office to pick up my new (and long overdue) mouthguard.
Once I’d picked up the mouth guard, I headed home for half an hour. I had another cup of coffee during that time. Then I headed back out, to the eye doctor this time. I got my thorough exam, then picked out some new glasses. There was one pair I was happy with out of all that they had in the store. They were Coach brand, too. So, not cheap. Thankfully, they would not cost me too much out of pocket. Even with insurance coverage, my glasses would not be very cheap. But, it’s a necessary expense.
After the eye doctor, I went back home and took care of my free book & paid emails. I was going to get on Fallout 76 on the Xbox, but the power went out. I checked the outage tracker and saw that it was expected to be out until 2pm. So, I headed to Culver’s for some lunch, and then Walmart to do a bit of shopping.
After I was done at Walmart, I headed back home for about an hour. The power was back on, thankfully. I spent some time reorganizing some of my desk stuff with a new organizer tray I got. I was hoping that if I gave the illusion of there being more space, I wouldn’t feel so claustrophobic from it. So far it seems to be working for me.
One of the things I needed to adjust at my desk was the position of my second monitor, which I also use as the screen for the Xbox. It was too high up, and when I get involved in what I’m doing I slouch and then crane my neck up higher. I’ve been having a lot of tension in my neck, and spreading down into my back, as a result.
I picked Casey up from school at the usual time, then we headed back home. I got on Minecraft with Cyn, and we spent the rest of the day working on the aquarium.
I was hoping to hear from Brad, and even stayed up late waiting to see if I would, but nothing ever came in. I hate his time of necessary solitude. I can’t wait to see him again.
After installing and configuring the Brave browser that Brad had told me about a while back, I finally went to bed.