I woke up and checked my phone seeing that I’d missed a text from Brad a little after 11. Why does he have to wait until so late at night to reach out to me? It’s irritating.
I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed to the Walmart in Black River Falls for some mini Jot devices they supposedly had in stock. I ordered a couple online and walked around the store a bit while I waited for them to be ready for pickup. Once they were picked up, I headed to the McDonald’s nearby for some breakfast to eat on the way home.
Once I got home, I took care of my free book & paid emails, then got on ArcheAge to tend the gardens. I spent some time on SL and got a new cat avatar which I liked, as well as a huge cat castle to put in my house.
I spent much of the rest of the afternoon on SL, except for when I went to pick Casey up from school. A lot of what I was doing on there was listing some items on the marketplace for sale.
I made sure Casey sat on the toilet for a while as soon as we got home, and again a few more times during the evening. He’s still not pooping properly, but I’ll be calling the doctor to get him into a specialist. The Miralax is not helping, sadly.
I sent Brad a text in the mid-afternoon, letting him know I’d like to see him but that I would need to know a bit earlier. I hoped I’d hear from him because I enjoy seeing him as much as possible and hadn’t been able to since Friday night. I was still irritated that he’d texted so late the night before because I would have liked to see him then but was already asleep by the time he texted.
Dave let me know that he would be out of town all this coming weekend with Jennifer. He said she’d bought some tickets to a famous country star’s concert, Keith Urban maybe? I was somewhat excited because it meant less time around Dave all weekend and potentially having a man in my bed again. I don’t have a very large bed, but I don’t need one when I have a sexy man to snuggle up to. Irritation aside.
I got on Astellia at the usual time for the daily login timer and had Casey get ready for bed early so he could play for a while after. It was supposed to be his electronics-free day, but he’d mostly been without them for a while because of the messes in his underpants. Since it wasn’t making a difference to take away what I thought was distracting him from getting to the bathroom on time, I let him have them again. The result was even bigger messes and him being completely oblivious to anything going on. I will have to stick to my guns and keep him from electronics until he can focus enough to poop. Obviously, the gadgets are a huge distraction.
Once he was finally tucked in, I got back on the computer and spent some time scrolling through things on Facebook while waiting on my Astel card on Astellia. Once I got the card, I logged out of there and hopped on ArcheAge to tend my gardens before bed. I was getting more irritated with Brad because I never got a response to my text about hanging out with him that night. But I was too tired to wait up any longer.