Tuesday, got up and got my latte, then got on SL to park while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home and got on Blade & Soul for a bit.
Did some daily stuff, including dungeons with some of the folks from the Discord server, and then got on Minecraft with Autumn. Took a while to get on, though, because my computer was being a pain.
Autumn worked on the 2nd story of the house, while I went down to the mine to try and get more iron. Worked on that for an hour or so, until it was time to go pick up Casey.
Picked Casey up and got him back home, got on on the toilet as usual. I’d left Minecraft running for Autumn and Jordan to stay on for a bit while I was getting Casey. I didn’t want to close it, but they’d gotten disconnected anyway. And we wanted the opportunity to fully explore the mash-up world before letting Casey in to, de-beautify it. So, I closed it down and relogged on SL to do some stuff with Autumn there.
About the time I was logged back into SL, I heard from Daniel. He’d sent me a FB message, which was odd. We chatted for quite a while, distracting me from my SL plans. I’d been trying to get dressed and take Autumn to an amusement park, but he was asking about having me over. We did end up getting to go to the amusement park before I left. The first one I tried taking her to had closed down, apparently, but I found another one that was kinda cool.
Got Casey to bed about the usual time, then hightailed it out of the house to go see Daniel. Dave was already in bed when I left. On my way to Daniel’s, he messaged saying that he’d just heard from Leanne that she was taking Michael to the hospital because he was really sick, they suspected a combination of Strep and Bronchitis. Poor kid. He said he needed to be ready to leave, just in case. He was playing a game when I got there, so I watched him for a while and we chatted. Then he put in a movie, Double Dragon. We watched about the first half of that, but it was getting late and I mentioned needing to go home soon. He wanted to have some other kind of fun before I had to leave, so we did that and missed the end of the movie. I don’t want to go into too much detail, but he sent some time genuinely making love to me, which was magical. And then a bit later he asked me where I wanted him to cum. I told him in my pussy and he asked if I wanted to get pregnant. I reiterated that I can’t get pregnant, not right now anyway, and he said he’d read about tubal ligations and that it wasn’t 100% effective. Well, no, but I’ve also had the endometrial ablation and am not getting a regular period, and I’m also on the pill. I didn’t bother mentioning all that. He ended up cumming in my pussy anyway, leading me to question if he actually wants to get me pregnant. That coupled with him getting seemingly “excited” at hearing that I could possibly still have kids in the future, makes me wonder.
Finally made it back home and got to bed around 12:30 or so.
Got up Wednesday, got my latte, and got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home. It was base refresh day on Conan, so waited for the servers to be back up and then took care of that. After that I got on Minecraft with Autumn. We started to explore, but then she disconnected and decided to take a nap instead of staying on to play. She’d been on SL until 5am changing clothes, and only got 5 hours of sleep after that. I made my way back home on Minecraft, and then logged onto BnS.
I was working on some more Moonlight Buds on BnS so I could finish getting my Aransu soul shield. Once I’d gotten what I needed, I logged out of there and relogged on SL to do some stuff with Autumn.
When Dave got home, he was bitching about me “sneaking out” to go see Daniel and how my knee is fine for that but not fine when it comes to doing chores around the house. I do chores around the house, every fucking day. But I’m not his damn maid.
Took her shopping to a couple places, and then took her to the Writer’s Retreat, aka my premium home. The plan was to go exploring so I could show her all the different styles of premium homes, but we got side-tracked and just chatted instead.
Got to bed at a pretty reasonable time, about 10pm.