Woke up with no new messages from Daniel. Got my latte while the computer booted, then got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home and got on ArcheAge to take care of the gardens.
Took care of my free book & paid emails, then I was scrolling through Facebook a bit. I saw a post about a nationwide Verizon outage, which put a damper on my plans to work in Onalaska over lunch. I didn’t feel it was worth the risk, to be in the middle of a delivery and lose network access would reflect poorly on me.
Got on Fallout 76 for a while and played on my new solo character. I worked on gathering materials and a bit of building. Colin got on one of his characters so I could go to his house and harvest crops, so I’d be able to plant my own.
Went and picked Casey up about the usual time. When we got home, I was going through his “binder” (really it’s a folder) and saw there were papers in there that should have been given to the teacher by now. I sent her an email, and come to find out it’s Casey’s responsibility to get the papers out of there each day.
Had him get on the toilet for a while, and got back on ArcheAge for some afternoon gardening. After that it was more work on Fallout. When Casey was done on the toilet, he got on the Nintendo 3DS. He was playing on Super Mario Maker again.
I got Casey’s stuff out for him to get ready for bed, and then got on ArcheAge to do the reset raid. I was a little late to the party, though, it was full. So I took care of some more gardening and then got back on Fallout for a while.
First I spent some more time gathering materials, and then I ended up dismantling my house and fence and everything and redoing it. It was going pretty quick, thankfully.
When I was nearly ready for bed, I got on ArcheAge one more time to wrap up things for the night, including my last language lesson for the opposing faction. With all that done, I went to bed.