I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school around the usual time, then headed home and took care of bill pay.
By the time bill pay was done, my free book & paid emails had come in, so I took care of those, then got on Fallout 76 and spent the rest of the day playing on there.
I picked Casey up from school at the usual time, then we headed home for a short while.
We had to go out for his therapy appointment at 4. It went pretty well, we wrote letters to Santa and drew pictures as a way to calm down and not feel anxious, as well as to think about our good qualities.
After his therapy, we stopped by McDonald’s to grab some dinner and brought it back home to eat while I got things ready for when the Scouts would come for the Den meeting.
The Den meeting went well, the kids really liked the videos they had to watch so I told the parents where they could go to watch more of them.
After the meeting, I got Casey ready for bed and then got back on Fallout. I was enjoying my time playing, but then I heard from Brad. His hands were still super sore, but we chatted for a while about the other night. Eventually, he said he’d unlocked his door, so I rinsed off in the shower and headed over to his house.
We talked for a while, and he said he’s going to go into detox this coming weekend. He doesn’t know what his frame of mind will be after or where things will be with us. I kinda didn’t say anything, it was one of those things I needed to think about to know exactly how to say what I want to say. We continued to talk, though, and eventually headed up to bed.
I thought I’d tell him I loved him while we were making love, but the words didn’t really come out of my mouth. They sort of did, but in a whispered mumble that I’m sure he didn’t understand. But I want him to know that when I told him I fell for him I meant that I love him and that I’ll always be here for him, even when he needs space to think and fix the things in his life that have gone wrong for him.
After we were done we snuggled into each other and went to sleep.