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I woke up later than I wanted again, even though I’d had an alarm set. I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then took care of my free book & paid emails before getting on Fallout 76 on the Xbox.

Dave came and informed me that he’d be going to Jennifer’s at 3, and asked if I had plans for the night. I said I didn’t know quite yet, so he told me he needed me to find out quick. So I ended up telling Mindi the situation, that I wanted to see Brad but didn’t have solid plans with him yet. I didn’t want to use her to make sure that I could see Brad later (accounting for Casey) but she also wanted an excuse to get out of the house. So, we used each other and made plans for dinner and drinks later that night.

I kept playing on Fallout until around 6 when Mindi arrived. We went to Perkins for dinner, then headed to The Break Room here in Tomah for a drink. There were too many people there for me to feel comfortable, and she had her service dog with her and he wasn’t liking the noise. So, after one drink, we left.

We’d driven around a bit before and after each stop, making a couple stops as well, playing this game called Ingress. It’s an ok game but I’m not sure if I can easily get into it. We’ll see.

Shortly after she dropped me off at home at 11, I heard from Brad asking if I wanted to come over. So, I headed back out and went to his place. We stayed up talking for a while before going to bed. I whispered under my breath a couple times that I love him, but one time he was sleeping and we were snuggling, and the other it would have been incomprehensible. He did wake up and we made love some more before we both went to sleep, entangled in each other’s arms.

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