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And here I’d thought Wednesday was a crazy day!

I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then waited for Dave to drop Casey off. Once he was here, I got his lunch ready and took him to school. I headed back home for a bit.

He’d told me he was having scary dreams when he was sleeping at my apartment and thought maybe extra stuffed animals would help him feel better. He brought some more from Dave’s, but I decided to run to Walmart after a little while to see what they had that he would like.

I found some stuffed animals, then headed back home. I took care of my free book & paid emails, then worked on online Census training for a while. I had a little while after I could relax a bit before going to pick up Casey and Michael from school.

While they played, I worked on the Truckee ad-rating project and then some more of the online Census training. Leanne came to get Michael a little before 5, then Casey and I headed back to Walmart. I’d emailed the property manager asking if we could have a fish, but hadn’t gotten a response. I saw her at the property when I went out to get the mail and asked her then. She said we could.

I’d noticed that Walmart no longer had aquariums, but I hadn’t realized they didn’t even have Betta fish. It’s just as well, fish of any type from Walmart never thrived. I told Casey we could go to PetSmart Friday after school, but he wanted to go right away. I decided to go for it.

We got a Glo-Betta, which I’d never heard of. She’s teeny tiny and absolutely adorable. We brought her home and I got her settled in while Casey ate and got ready for bed. We’ve named her Lucille.

Once Casey was settled into bed, I made the rounds on a few of my games and then read a few chapters in a book. I was getting pretty tired by that point, since I’m still off my nap schedule, so I decided to go ahead and get ready for bed.

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