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I woke up at about the usual time and grabbed some coffee while the computer booted. I got Casey up, dressed, and fed a bit later than I would have liked, I almost kept him home again. I dropped him off at school and told him if he felt like he needed his temperature taken to let his teacher know. I hoped he’d do ok at school but he still looked dreadful. I knew he wouldn’t want to miss the fall festival at the school in the afternoon, but was concerned how tired he would be after.

I went back home and spent a bit of time on Facebook while waiting for my free book & paid emails to come in, then got in about an hour of work. I took care of those once they were in, then went to Walmart for a few things I knew we needed.

After home from Walmart, I got something to eat and got back to work for another hour, and then spent time just looking at Facebook until it was time to go pick up Casey.

I saw Daniel’s mom arrive for pick-up and was thankful it wasn’t him.

Casey seemed to have a good enough day at school. We headed straight home and he relaxed for a while, then had dinner quick before passing out some stuff to trick-or-treaters. We went through two fairly big boxes of goldfish crackers, and then 4 bags of apples Dave brought home, all within 45 minutes.

I didn’t want to be the one taking Casey trick-or-treating, but Dave had changed into shorts and a short-sleeve shirt after his shower. I knew he wouldn’t take Casey then. Two years ago we all went together, then last year I took Casey, and now I was stuck taking Casey again and my knee was already sore. Plus it was pretty cold outside. But, I didn’t want to disappoint Casey, so instead, we just took a shorter route.

Back home afterward, I just spent time on Facebook until Casey was ready for bed, then I read to him and tucked him in.

Mindi ended up deactivating her Facebook because she wanted to take away Jamie’s obsession, plus she was getting distracted from her school work because of it. She’s convinced that, without drama, Jamie will just get bored with Daniel and dump him for something more exciting.

I finished up my last hour of work and then headed to bed.

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