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I woke to see a text from Brad, from about 11:30 at night the night before, asking if I was sleeping. I sent a reply, then got up and got some coffee while the computer booted. After that, I got dressed while also getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I hopped on Aura Kingdom to do some of my daily things while he was still eating. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home.

I got on ArcheAge to deal with gardens, then got on Fallout 76 and played there the rest of the day.

I picked Casey up from school at the usual time. I’d forgotten about the Cub Scouts Holiday Party that was supposed to be at 6 and had already promised Casey that we would finish his Super Mario Bros. Gingerbread Castle. I told him about the dilemma, and he said he didn’t want to go to the Holiday Party. I felt bad because I was on the committee that helped organize the games, but I didn’t really want to go either.

Once back home, Casey spent the next 45 minutes sitting on the toilet with an upset tummy anyway, so it was best that we stay home.

We started to work on his Gingerbread Castle, but it fell apart so I had to try sticking it back together, then we’d have to let it dry. So, Casey got on with Super Mario Maker, and I got back on Fallout 76.

I continued playing Fallout throughout the rest of the evening. I got Casey to bed around the usual time, then got back to it until I was ready for bed myself.

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