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I got disentangled from Brad’s arms to get up, dressed, and head home. I got some coffee while the computer booted, then got Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then headed back home. I got on ArcheAge to check things and make sure my “taxes” are prepaid for as long as they can be, then logged off.

I took care of my free book & paid emails while also on Fallout 76 on the Xbox. Then, just before 10am, I headed to the dentist to get more work done. I was incredibly anxious while they were doing the filling repairs, so I was glad I’d decided to take a Xanax before I’d left the house. They were able to get all the work done and did an impression of my top teeth for a new mouthguard. I haven’t been able to wear mine for several months because I needed this work done first.

After the appointment, I headed back home and got on Conan Exiles on the Xbox for a bit before I got back on Fallout until it was time to go pick Casey up from school.

Casey told me about yet another bullying incident by the same kid who’d been bullying him all last year. I sent a strongly worded email to not only his teacher, but also the principal.

I got on Minecraft for a few hours to do some mining and fishing.

Max got sick at night again, but since he hasn’t been eating there wasn’t much to it. I would need to call the vet about it the next day.

I got Casey ready for bed and was already falling asleep myself. Once he was read to and tucked in, I shut everything down and went to bed.

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