I slept for about 11 hours and woke up feeling tired and groggy. I don't sleep well without Brad as it is, but sleeping for that long is never good for me.
I got up and got some coffee, then had Casey start on his schoolwork while I took care of my free book and paid emails. When I was done going through my emails, I got on Black Desert for a bit.
I helped to power level someone from the guild, but tired of it quickly so logged back out. I spent the rest of the day on Fallout 76. For the first few hours, I was on voice but only to listen. It was a relief to be able to finally speak after Casey was in bed.
I spent a few more hours playing with my friend from Black Desert and a couple new people, then headed to bed. I'd tried to see if I could see Brad, but he didn't return my text. Hopefully Friday night, then.

Handwriting Transcription (beta)
## Thursday #H I slept for about 11 hours and wake up feeling tired and groggy- I don't sleep well without Brad as it is, but sleeping for that long is never good for me. I get up and got Dome coffee, then had Casey start on his school work while I tuck care of any free back a paid emails. When I was done going through my emails, at get on Black Desert for å bit. helped to power level someone from the guild, but tired of it quickly so logged back out. I opent the rest of the day on Fallout Te. for the first few hours, I was on voice but only to listen. It was a relief to be able to finally speak after Casey was in bed. espent a few more hours playing with my friend from Black Desert and a couple new people, then needed to ld. Id tried to see if I could see Brad, lut he didn't retum my text. Hopefully Friday night, then.
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