Didn’t sleep the best Sunday night, but that’s par for the course these days. Didn’t want to get out of bed Monday morning, but had to get Casey to school.
Got Casey off to school and came back home to do my usual, getting dressed in SL and tending gardens on Wiz before hopping on Sims 4.
Heard from Colin early enough to hop on Skype for a bit, but then a little after 9 I headed to the school for the “Muffins for Mom” with Casey. We had a nice time sitting and chatting and eating our yummy muffins. It was only about 20 minutes, and then I took him back to his classroom. It was just in time for him to go to speech, too!
Headed back home and got back on Sims 4.
Got Casey off the bus at the usual time, and got him some lunch. He went to do his own thing, playing in his play room this time, while I continued playing on Sims 4.
Somewhat early in the afternoon, Casey comes and tells me he wants a girlfriend. This is out of the blue. I thought he didn’t like girls, lol. You know, the usual girls having cooties thing. I asked him if there was a girl he liked, and he said yes and said her name but I couldn’t make out what it was. He then went back to playing.
Ended up having a sneezing fit in the afternoon. It was weird. Suppose it’s my seasonal allergies creeping up on me. I’m sure it doesn’t help matters that I leave my window open a bit all the time.
Late afternoon/early evening, I got dinner going. It was all pretty simple stuff, just some baked chicken with some rice and steamed vegetables. I didn’t even need to tend to it a whole lot. I needed a simple meal like that to cook, hell it’d only been a week since my surgery!
While I was in the kitchen, Casey yells something like “Mom, there’s a problem!” I go and check and there’s poop on the playroom floor. His poop, not the cats’. I asked him what happened and he said he didn’t know. I had him get on the potty and try to poop some more in the potty.
Dave got home while Casey was still on the potty, right about the time dinner was ready, so got off the call with Colin and let Dave know what had happened. He asked Casey again about what happened, and Casey didn’t really say much. Dave reinforced what I’d said, that it’s unacceptable and he needs to poop in the potty.
I went ahead and ate, but Dave went to work out in the garage.
After dinner, I hopped back on Sims 4 for a few. Casey called me in there for something, and I said he’d spent enough time on the toilet (it’d been like an hour) and could get back off. I asked him again what had happened. From my questions, I pieced together that he was busy playing when he felt like he had to poop but he kept playing, pooped in his underpants, felt it, pulled his pants down, and it fell on the floor.
Dave came back in and I filled him in on what Casey had said about how the poop ended up on the floor. He got a shower, then, so I resumed my game for a bit. When Dave went to have dinner, I went to sit by him for a couple minutes and told him about Casey wanting a girlfriend. He said something about Casey not being able to get a girlfriend if he’s pooping his pants. True story, though!
I ended up going back to my computer and messing around more with my game.
At one point, Dave muttered something about why the rugs from my bathroom were in the hallway. I headed to the kitchen for something and muttered something about why are you always a fucking jerk. I had heard him but I’m pretty sure he didn’t hear me. The towels were still around the toilet from Sunday night, my knee had been too sore to deal with mopping yet.
I played on Sims 4 for a little while longer until it was time to get Casey to bed. Got him tucked in and resumed my game. I wasn’t up very late before I was sleepy enough for bed myself, though.
I had trouble getting up Tuesday morning. After the sneezing fit Monday afternoon, I had taken some allergy medicine before bed, so figured that must be why. I also had difficulty getting Casey out of bed on time. He ended up not having time for breakfast at home. I told him he could have breakfast at school.
Got him to the bus stop on time and came back home for an hour or so. Got dressed on SL and checked gardens on Wiz. I’d been so tired Monday night I had left the gardens alone, so I was worried they’d be wilted. No, they were fine thankfully.
Hopped on Sims 4 after adding a few more new mods. Played on there for about an hour. Colin got up during that time and we got on Skype. While we were talking, his new desktop computer arrived.
Had to go grocery shopping, and wanted to go to Aldi. They don’t open until 9, so around about then I headed there. Unfortunately, they don’t have the electric carts there. They do have wheelchairs but not with carts attached to the front. Got my shopping done and my knee was in bad shape by the time I was done. Headed home and put the groceries away. Got off the call with Colin so he could work on getting his desktop together.
Got back on Sims 4 and played on there on and off for the rest of the day.
Casey got back from school and I asked if he’d had breakfast there. He said no, he hadn’t, and something about the kids going one at a time. I assured him that no, everybody who’s having breakfast can go at the same time. Idk, it’s like he’s just out of his element when it comes to eating breakfast at school.
He’d found a little “purple flower” (weed) at school and said he wanted to go for a walk to find more. I said maybe later in the afternoon, because my knee was pretty sore after shopping. I ended up wrapping the ice pack I’d gotten from the hospital back around my knee, it was so bad.
Got Casey his lunch and went back to Sims 4. Playing with my new mods is so much fun!! I kept getting errors, though. Think I finally worked out why and fixed some stuff up.
I did get my chores done, more than I should have with my knee being so sore. I got the bathroom mopped up, scooped the litter box, and did my usual dishes and sweeping.
Sometime a little later in the afternoon, Colin was finally able to at least get on Skype with me. He kept working on things with his computer while I played Sims.
I didn’t really want to make dinner because my knee was still so sore, but the produce from Home Chef needed to get used up. So, I made dinner a little before 5. I started to eat at my desk, but then Dave got home so I got off the call with Colin and headed to the kitchen table.
Dave took Casey on a short walk to look for the “purple flowers.” It appeared they came back empty handed.
I went back to playing Sims and trying to rest my knee. Around 8, just as I was getting ready to get in the shower, Casey said he was tired. I gave him the choice between going to bed then or after my shower, and he said after my shower. So while I took a shower, Dave served up some ice cream for the two of them.
After my shower, I rested my knee for a little bit while working on my free book and paid emails, and then Dave brought Casey up to get ready for bed. Got him tucked in and hopped on Wiz to check my gardens. I was starting to get pretty sleepy by then. I tried getting back on Sims 4, but was falling asleep at my desk, so I went to bed.