I got up and got Casey's breakfast and my coffee while the computer booted, then took care of my free book and paid emails.
With Casey spending days and some nights at my apartment with me, the lack of a dining table was already getting to me. We headed to Walmart to get the one I'd planned to get, as well as some toys for him to keep at my place. We got some other things as well, then headed back home.
I got the table assembled, which was a long and painful process compared to the TV cart I'd assembled in the morning. Casey played with his new toys while I worked. It was pretty much time to take him back to Dave's when I got done.
I dropped him off, then grabbed some burger king and took it home. I got on Black Desert once I was done eating.
Casey wanted to sleep at my house again, so I picked him up at around 8. I had him get ready for bed right away, then gave him a few minutes before reading to him and tucking him in for the night.
I got back to Black Desert, but didn't really do anything. Around 9:30, I texted Brad, hoping I could have him over. I got a reply around 11, as I was tossing and turning in bed. I texted him back right away, but tried to sleep when I didn't hear anything back after a few minutes. My phone startled me around 1am, it was his ring tone. I answered and he just said "Oh shit, sorry" and hung up. I eventually dozed off.

Handwriting Transcription (beta)
4 monday.jpg RB 2020-06-17 13.07.55.jpg
#4 monday ## I get up and get Casejo breakfast and my coffee while the computer beoted, then took care of my free book and paid enails. with Casey spending days and some night at umy apartment with me, the lack of a dining table was already getting to me. We headed to Walmant to get the nel'd planned to get, as well as some toys for him to keep at my place. We got some other things as well, then headed back home, I get the talle assembled, which was along and painful process compared to the Il cant i'd assembled in the morning Casey played with his new toys while I worked. It was pretty much time to take hinback to Dave's when I gd done. I dropped him off, then grabbed some Burger King and tuck it home. I get on Black Desert once I was done eating. Casey wanted to sleep at my house again, so I picked him up at around 8. I had him get ready for led right away, then gave him a few minutes before reading to him and tucking
him in for the night. I get back to Black Desert, but didn't really do anything around 9:50, I texted Brad, hoping I could have him aer. I get a reply around 11, as was tossing and turning in bed. I texted him back night away, but tried to sleep when I didnt hean anything back after a few minutes. my phone startled me around laum, it was his ringtone, at answered and he just said "on shit, sorry" and hung up. eventually doged off.
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