I need to stop getting so far behind on this! What’s worse, I don’t think I’ve written in my leather-bound journal since January! Ugh!
So, yesterday I had a hard time getting out of bed. I was really hoping that, since Dave was off, he’d take Casey to school. No such luck.
Got Casey off to school OK. Came back home and did my thing.
I made a mistake. I had this quest to craft a wand, and I crafted it, and then the quest said to craft another one. So I did. And it didn’t get marked as complete. Only when I looked at information online did I discover that you were supposed to use the first to forge the second. D’oh! Well, the materials needed to craft the second are going to take a lot of work to find. It’s really frustrating, especially when I’m such a completionist that I won’t give up until I can craft it.
Casey got home from school, and Dave helped him clean up his play room so it could be vacuumed.
At one point during the day, Dave asked me why I just sit in front of my computer all day, why don’t I take it downstairs to watch a movie with Casey (which I did once) or read a book. It’s a comfortable setup for me, though. My room, my space. My chair, my desk. My USB keyboard/mouse. My fan blowing cool air on me while the rest of the house remains toasty from the furnace still running. Plus, it’s where I vape.
Made Tacos for dinner. Egads! A day early! Lol, I couldn’t have waited one day to have tacos on Taco Tuesday? Oh well, Casey was super excited and helped me a lot.
After dinner, more of the same. I was in too much pain to do anything else, anyway. I wanted to take a shower, but just couldn’t face it.
Got Casey to bed a few minutes later than he wanted lol. I had to actually flee from a boss fight because he said I was taking too long. When it comes down to it, I need to remember that HE is more important to me than ANYTHING.
I actually got to bed a bit earlier than I expected. I was just exhausted, I guess. Didn’t sleep the best, so struggled to get out of bed again today. Had a hard time getting Casey out of bed, too. But, got him off to school ok.
After I got home, Dave asked if I wanted to go to Starbucks for breakfast. I didn’t want to, but said ok. Finished my coffee and headed there. Sat there almost entirely in silence. Since it wasn’t an argument, at least, I asked if he wanted to go to the Natural store and look around. $75 later! 😮 Then we headed home and I got on Wiz.
When Casey got home about an hour or so later, he said that Lonnie had knocked him over a couple times, and another kid in his class had kicked over a castle he had made. Poor little guy had a rough day at school, I guess.
Casey spent a good bit of time in his play room, setting his train track back up. I spent that time on Wiz. Dave was watching TV downstairs.
Casey became fussy about the time my brother called to wish me a happy National Siblings Day. Got Casey to calm down after quite a while and he even talked to his Uncle Mikey for a bit.
Then I tried to do a bit more questing before cooking dinner. Really, I just wanted to level up because then I’d be level 120 lol. Well, the quest I’m on I wasn’t doing so well, so I threw in the towel and went to cook some spaghetti.
Dave had put a cookie sheet in the drawer wrong, and it made a clatter when I went to open the drawer. Ugh. Then, I was draining the water out of the spaghetti, and the lid slipped from my fingers and let the spaghetti tumble out into the sink. So I reach with my hands to start scooping it back up, and burnt myself. We still ate it, only because I know how clean my sink is lol, and it was pretty decent.
Dave pissed me off by “teasing” me. He was going on about how I make messes because I seriously enjoy it, and going on and on about that. I finally muttered, “I don’t have to sit here and listen to this abuse” and grabbed my plate and brought it to my bedroom.
After he’d finished eating, he came by and thanked me for cooking the spaghetti, that it was really good. He then grabbed my plate and took it to the kitchen, and has been cleaning up everything since.
I’m just waiting, about another half hour, and then I’m going to get in the shower, even though I’m not any better than I was last night. It can’t be put off any longer.