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Friday, April 2, 2021

I dropped Greg off at work at Molter’s, then got some Burger King for me and Casey to have on the way to drop off rent. Then we headed back home until around 4 when Greg was done with work. We picked him up and brought him back home. Dave picked Casey up for the weekend, then I took Greg to Walmart so he could get a few things. Then, we headed home, where we remained for the rest of the night.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

I dropped Greg off at work, then headed back home. A little before noon, I went and picked up some Culver’s and took it to Greg’s work for lunch. I headed back home afterward, until a little after 3 when it was time to head to work.

The shift went fairly well, and I was especially glad I didn’t have to stay and close. When I got off work at 9, I got a few things for me and Greg and took them home to him. We stayed in and enjoyed the rest of the night together.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

We went for a drive out to Love’s a little before 1, then stopped at Family Dollar before heading back home. I had to work at 4 until close. The shift went pretty decent. Afterward, I went and picked Greg up. We stopped by the Southside Kwik Trip and headed back home for the night.

Monday, April 5, 2021

I dropped Greg off at work, then headed back home until he was done at 4. We stopped by my work for a few things, then went to the Tobacco+ store together before heading back home.

As it was nearing 9pm, we headed to Greg’s place so he could grab some things, then stopped by the Southside Kwik Trip for food to eat on the way out to his sister’s. We hung out with her for a while, then headed to Greg’s friends’ house to spend a couple hours with them. Finally, we made it back home at almost 2:30am.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Dave dropped Casey off on his way to work, but Casey was still off for Spring Break. We dropped Greg off at work, then hung around at home until Greg was done at 4. We stopped by my work for a few groceries, then grabbed a pizza from Papa Murphy’s and took it home. We stayed in for the rest of the night.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home. Greg stayed in bed with a migraine. Around 11, I walked over to Casey’s to get a few things for us, then I headed back home.

I picked Casey up from school and we headed to his therapy appointment. After the visit, I dropped him off at the Boys & Girls club for a bit. I had a store meeting to attend at work. After the meeting, I got some McDonald’s for us and we went back home. We stayed in the rest of the night.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to wait for Greg to finish getting ready for work. I dropped him off, then went back home.

I headed over to Dave’s for a while to go through some more of my things. Then, around 12:30, I went and grabbed some Taco Bell and took it to Molter’s for lunch with Greg.

I went home for a little while, then picked Casey up at school. We hung out at the house for a bit, until a little before 5 when Greg was done with work. He wanted to go by Tobacco+ on the way home, so Casey and I hung out in the car while he shopped. We headed back home and stayed in for the night.

Friday, April 9, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to wait for Greg to finish getting ready for work. I dropped him off, then headed back home until about 12:30 when it was time to go get Casey from school.

After picking Casey up, we went to Molter’s for a few groceries. We took them home and I got them put away, then we hung out until a little before 4. We picked Greg up from work and took him by Walmart so he could cash his check quick. Then, we headed home.

Dave picked Casey up, and I had to be at work at 7 until 11. The shift went pretty decent, and a lot got done for the night shift. Truck didn’t get there until around 10 or so, but Thor and I knocked most of it out before I left.

I headed back home to Greg after work, then we went to hang out with a friend of his for a bit. Then, we stopped by the Southside Kwik Trip on the way to Shockwave. Greg wanted to look at stuff for his dabs, and we got a few other things as well. Then, we headed home.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

I dropped Greg off at work, then headed back home and slept for a couple hours. Then, I had to get up and get ready for work. The shift was from 1 to 6. After I got off, I went by Tobacco+ to get a couple things for Greg. I headed back home until a little after 8. Greg had walked to his place after work, so I went and picked him up. We went and got some Culver’s for dinner and took it home, where we stayed for the rest of the night.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

I dropped Greg off at work around 9:30, then went back home. I slept for a while, then got ready for work from 4 to close.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Dave dropped Casey off bright and early, and I took him to school. I headed back home afterward to wait for Greg to finish getting ready for work, then I dropped him off at KFC. I headed back home until it was time to get Casey from school.

We hung out at home until around 4, then went and picked Greg up and brought him home. Dave picked Casey up, and I got ready for work from 6 to close. After work, I headed back home to Greg.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Dave dropped Casey off, and I took him to school. I headed back home to wait for Greg to finish getting ready for work, then dropped him off and went back home. I hung out at the house until it was time to pick Casey up from school.

We spent a while at home until around 4, then we went and picked Greg up from work. We went back home for a while, but had to run back out to KFC at 8 because Greg had accidentally brought the work keys home. We stopped by my work so Greg could grab a few things, then headed back home for the night.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home. Once Greg was ready for work, about an hour late, I dropped him off.

For lunch, I took McDonald’s to Molter’s and ate with Greg. Then, I headed back home until it was time to go pick Casey up from school.

I’d gotten a new trundle for my bed, and it had come. I was busy on and off all day getting that set up to surprise Greg after work.

We picked him up at 4, then headed back home for the night.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home. Once Greg was ready for work, I dropped him off. Then, I headed to Walmart to pick up a grocery order. I took the groceries home and put them away, and spent some time straightening things up around the apartment.

Greg and I ended up having a super late Kwik Trip lunch, then I went and picked Casey up from school. We headed back to the house, and I didn’t end up picking Greg up from his place until after midnight.

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