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I worked a lot last week, despite being sent home unwillingly 2 days in a row… I managed to pick up a shift yesterday to close, which I preferred to my other option of working 11 hours Friday and 10 Saturday… And I had to go in early Saturday anyway. I managed to pull away with 39.52 hours, possibly my best yet…

In all the frantic efforts to get at least 36 hours for last week, I was forced to sacrifice one of my days off, which are always consecutive. Sunday is the last day of the work week, so I had today to relax and back tomorrow for another 5 day stretch…

Unfortunately, even though I got good sleep last night, I woke up in terrible pain from tension through my neck, shoulders, and back. I need to be able to genuinely relax tonight, something I know not how to do without meditating… But I will do what must be done, to ensure this coming week is not tortuous.

Posted via LJ for WebOS.

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