I got up and got some coffee while the computer booted, then got dressed on SL while also getting dressed in RL and getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. I dropped him off at school at the usual time, then came back home.
I took care of my free book & paid emails, then headed to Burger King for breakfast since I had a coupon. Afterward, I went to Walmart to get a few things I’d forgotten the day before.
I headed back home after Walmart and put everything away, then hung around on SL for a while after preparing for the Cub Scouts meeting.
I picked Casey up from school at the usual time, then headed back home. He got busy with making a new game board and then playing with Legos, so I looked at some stuff on the computer while talking to Cyn.
Shortly before we had to head out to Scouts, the doorbell rang. Some dude was standing out there with an inside out delivery bag, claiming we’d ordered a pizza. I said we hadn’t but asked for the name on the order. He didn’t have a name for me so I asked if he had any other information. The phone number wasn’t one I recognized, so he left with the pizza.
When Dave got home, I asked him if he’d ordered pizza. He said that Jennifer had. I explained the situation to him, and he made out like I was a dumbass for turning away the pizza. The whole situation was creepy to me, I’m not going to accept a pizza that I didn’t order in a situation like that! Who knows what I’d actually be getting!
Cub Scouts went pretty well, except the kids were being too noisy. If we close the door to the room it gets very hot in there, but if the kids can’t keep quiet I won’t have a choice.
After Scouts, we headed home and Casey got ready for bed. I read to him and tucked him in, then got on Minecraft with Cyn for a while. She’d given me $10 to download this other game, Astellia, to try for a month, so I had that going on the computer while we were on Minecraft. She ended up having to go back out to drop a friend off at home, so I ended up going to bed.