Slept the usual Tuesday night. Woke up the usual Wednesday morning. Got Casey onto the bus fine. Had him walk to the bus stop acting like I wasn’t there. He checked for cars coming before crossing the road, and checked for his bus # before getting on the bus. Hopefully he also recognizes Mr. K. by now.
I had some time to get myself dressed & such on SL and check gardens & such on Wiz before a therapy appointment at 9am. I explained to Lisa, my therapist, about what’s been going on in my head the last 6 weeks, since I saw her last. I told her about Dave and I having sex for the first time in over a year, and that I cried after from both emotional and physical pain (knee). I also expressed my increasing anxiety over how things are going to get done over the 6 weeks that I can’t put weight on that leg. I told her, I hadn’t even talked about it with Dave yet. So, we worked on how I could approach the conversations with both Dave and my dad, about getting things handled. I felt a little better about things after meeting with Lisa, but still have anxiety about it. Also, she said I’ll be prescribed opiod pain pills for one week post-op and won’t be able to take my Xanax. If I have any anxiety I need to find other ways to come down from a panic attack. Joy.
Got on the call with Colin after my appointment and told him how it went. Dropped the pen camera in the UPS box to return to Amazon. Then went home and got back on SL.
Wednesday was mine and Colin’s 3 year SL anniversary of being together. How did we spend it? Interior decorating lol. We went to town with decorating things inside our premium homes, as well as inside our main home.
I did take breaks from SL to work on cleaning my bathroom. I just cleaned the sink and toilet. Decided the shower could wait until Friday. Cleaning the bathroom was pretty exhausting, actually. Plus I’d had to scoop the cat’s litter box.
The time got away from us with decorating, next thing we knew it was time to get off the call because Dave was home.
Had Chinese for dinner, I ordered the Almond Chicken. I wanted Chinese, but not spicy Chinese. It was delicious.
After I ate, I got back on the computer. I saw that Colin was still on Firestorm, so I teleported to him. Turns out he was in his photo studio, butt ass naked lol. He’d changed the backdrop on one of the photo areas, so I knew he’d been taking pictures of himself. He said he guessed the photos he took for me wouldn’t be a surprise then, lol.
Around that time, Dave was getting out of the shower, and asked if I’d had tea with my dinner. I had forgotten all about it, so I went to make some.
Got Casey to bed at a slightly more reasonable time. Read two relatively short books to him.
After that, I got back on Wiz. Got my gardens taken care of, then ended up doing the Battle of the Bands and Tanglewood Terror Gauntlets with Autumn and her fiance. Gauntlets are basically just dungeons. Sometimes you can buy some that you put in one of your houses, and you can enter them. Some of them are “one-shot,” meaning you only have one shot and then they become trophies. Others are permanent and can be repeated as often as you like. So, the two we did were one-shot dungeons. There were 5 tiers possible for the dungeons, and for these particular ones I was able to set them to the 4th level of difficulty, after the 3 of us talked about it and agreed on it. Jordan, Autumn’s Fiance, wanted to do the Midnight Sun Pagoda gauntlet after those two, but it was late by then and I needed to get to bed. Got both of them added to my Discord, and we’ll play things by ear and see how I’m doing when Jordan has nights off of work.
Slept ok Wednesday night, but not the best. Got Casey to the bus stop a minute or two earlier than usual, which was good because his bus came a minute or two earlier than usual as well.
Got on Wiz to check my gardens. Then I hopped on SL and started working on some more interior decorating. I got a new picture frame that looks like a string of Polaroids, so put that up. Got a new china cabinet from one of my favorite furniture shops, so put that in a spot where we had two of the same table out. Put some frames and pictures up in the castle. When Colin got up and on, we worked together on getting some sexy vampiric/gothic photos for some other frames in the Castle.
Casey got home fine and did his usual thing. He also ended up taking a nap on my bed. He hasn’t been feeling the best and has been doing this more often.
Got my usual chores done in “RL.” Dishes and that. While I was doing that, Colin started to explore Eden, which is a massive set of beach/water SIMs and a Naturist Estate (nudist colony). He was talking about getting nude, and I started feeling a bit jealous of other people seeing him that way. So, I stripped and teleported to him. We started to wander towards Bumrose, which is a Marina where adult activities are permitted. There was an old style wagon out, so we checked out its poses because it looked cool. We intended to continue exploring Bumrose, see if anything had changed, but ended up exploring differences in anatomy. There are different creators of different anatomy parts and I’d always preferred one of Colin’s while he preferred the other. I ended up scoping them up close and personal, comparing and contrasting, and encouraged him to try it a bit.
Then somehow we diverted to my body jewelry, and I ended up on the Marketplace looking for copy/modify variations of some of my jewelry, that would work specifically with the mesh bodies I already had. I was able to find some that I could customize to suit me on an “everyday” basis, and bought them. Then I was able to “rez” them, meaning lay them out, and edit them and “link” them so that the 2 objects became one. Then I could wear them and they’d still work because they were “rigged” to work with my bodies. This actually worked out for me, and I saved an attachment slot. You only get 38 attachment slots, and I deck myself out with jewelry and accessories so never have the space lol. This turned out to save me a spot, because then I was able to link my rigged earrings to the belly and nipple rings.
We diverted back to our anatomy, and Colin mentioned a set of female parts he’d always wanted to get for me, but didn’t offer because I was so into the one “brand.” He linked me the part and I was like, “Oh! I already have that complete set!” I’d gotten it before we’d met. So, we spent the rest of the afternoon getting the updates for our parts, going through the skin options and placement, and that sort of thing. Then it was time to get off the call.
Dinner was leftover Chinese, which I ate in my room while Casey woke back up. Dave wasn’t home yet.
Got on Wiz to check my gardens, and saw that for Throwback Thursday they were offering previous bundle gauntlets in the crown shop. I was so excited, I could have screamed. They brought back one I’d been waiting for since about the time we started playing Wiz. It’s called Winterbane. They also brought back the Midnight Sun Pagoda, which I already have, and the Spiral Cup gauntlet. So, I bought the two I didn’t already have. I spent a good bit of the evening working on getting everything placed where I wanted.
Got Casey ready for bed. He wanted to read two stories but it was super late and I wanted him to get to sleep, so I convinced him to just do one slightly longer one. We read a Thomas & Friends Little Golden Book.
After Casey got in bed, I got on Wiz and checked my gardens again, then did Winterbane with Autumn. It was challenging but super fun. I would have gladly stayed up and done more with her, but I was sleepy and needed to get to bed. I made sure to change into my “energy set” because I had quite a bit already and needed a ton to convert some “elder” plants back to looking like “young” plants, but without having the same needs. So, after changing my Wiz’s outfit, I got to bed.