I got to bed at a fairly reasonable time last night, and slept in until after 9 this morning. My knee was aching pretty bad to start the day. I still managed to get the necessary chores done, to include finishing up my laundry and progressing with Casey’s.
Spent the day partly on SL, but also on wish. Got our bills paid, as well. Unfortunately, my purchases on wish, despite being so cheap for all that stuff, have kinda set us back a bit financially. But, our tax return is already pending with the bank, so it’s just a matter of days before that’s sorted. As long as we don’t spend the projected $325 on groceries and gasoline between now and Wednesday, we’ll be fine! The good news is, we probably won’t need any groceries between now and then. I still have at least 2 meals worth of stuff in the fridge/freezer, not counting some of the things I always keep on hand.
I was headed to the bathroom one time to grab a routine dose of pain medicine, when my knee did all kinds of popping and cracking and I thought I was going to cry, right in front of Casey again. I fought back the tears, got the pills, and went about my business.
Casey spent almost the entire day with me in my room, doing one thing or another. There were some times that I just wanted a bit of space, just because of how I am with my personality. One time, when he was trying to get my folding table out to do a puzzle on, I asked him why he didn’t want to do the puzzle at the kitchen table, why did he want to do the puzzle in my room? He said, “because I love you.” I immediately helped him get the table set up. That was so sweet of him! I need to get better with allowing people into my space.
I was going to make Baked Potato Soup for dinner, but decided my knee could use the rest instead, so baked some fresh garlic bread to have with the last of the Pasta Bake I’d made a couple days ago.
After dinner, somehow Casey managed to convince me to finally clean up his play room. My knee is hurting even worse now than it did earlier in the day with all the popping and cracking!
Dave asked me to read a rough draft of a paper for his English class. Lucky for him, I was pretty good in English. I don’t practice my writing skills all the time, but I gots ’em in there somewhere! Lol! It’s usually simple things, like typos and tenses with his papers. No biggie. I enjoy breaking out a funky colored pen to correct his papers with.
Now Casey’s watching something on the TV downstairs, and I’m just doing this. I think it’s time to grab my 2nd set of pills, and maybe plug in my headphones for some of my TV shows.