Greg woke me up at 7am, despite not having to be to work until 9:30. At least we got to spend some time together before I took him.
I ended up laying down for a nap after taking him to work, having felt like I didn’t get enough sleep.
I had to be at work at 4, so I made sure I was back up in time. I almost fell back asleep, but thankfully didn’t.
Work went pretty well. Jodi got a lot of stuff done while I manned the registers. Unfortunately, my knee paid the price for being still for so long. It didn’t help that I’d had my brace on a bit too tight.
Steph came and took over at 6 and she’s a workaholic too, so there was still a lot more stillness. We were also fairly busy until after the snow had started around 9.
We got everything done and got the truck put away, then I headed to Greg’s for a few minutes before going back home. I was hungry, so I heated up a bowl of chili then went straight to bed.