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Josie’s Progress…

So it has only been about 8 hours that I’ve been home with Josie. When I got home, she was laying in the bed, a bowl of food untouched next to her. I talked to her to let her know I was home, and got changed into my comfy’s. I picked her up and cuddled, and took her upstairs.

I was holding her on the couch, and told her I would be right back to get her some of the wet food I’d bought to get her to eat. I brought it to her, made sure she could smell it, and she chowed down. It was so good to see her eat!

When she’d had enough, she felt her way from the couch down to the floor, but almost toppled over. She sniffed around and found her way to the upstairs recliner, jumped in, and laid down. She spent a few hours there, and then around 6:30 I brought her back downstairs to get her to use the litter box.

She found her way from the litterbox to the downstairs recliner, and I let her lay there for a while. I wanted to hold her a bit, so I took her over to the bed. After a bit of cuddle time, I gave her some more food. She ate it while laying on Dave’s chest. When she was done, she stood up and found her favorite spot by his knees. She curled up and stayed there for a while.

Just now, I took her to the room we keep the litter boxes in, and set her down shortly before the boxes. She found her way to the litter boxes, and chose which one she wanted to use. Then, when she was done, she walked on her own back out to the main living area, found the recliner where Dinia is laying, and jumped up with her sister. She’s laying there now.

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