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Friday, Saturday, & Sunday

Stayed up late Thursday night, slept ok I suppose. About the usual. Got up at a semi-reasonable time? Dave was back to work. I was fairly relieved. Get kinda sick of him being around, always bitching and moaning about one thing or another.

Got on SL and parked, did my free book & paid emails, then got on Minecraft. Colin joined me when he got home from an appointment, but he was having lag issues. I’m pretty sure it’s just his internet, but he claims everything else is working fine. He doesn’t blame me or my server, he blames Microsoft. Babe, sorry if you actually read this, but, I’ve never heard of anyone who has as many issues with technology as you do. I swear, he just needs to reboot his modem and router. That’s all. But, he says everything else is working fine, so. Whatever.

Spent a good bit of the day working on things for my sandcastle. Casey helped, and most of it was actually useful. Some of it was pissing me off, but yeah, most of it was useful.

By the time I was done with the main structure, I thought it was looking more like a hospital than a castle. I was planning to do towers, but only put out the stairs leading to them.

I was supposed to have physical therapy in the afternoon, but I ended up having an upset stomach and couldn’t make it.

For dinner, I ended up cooking a fairly simple home chef that turned out delicious. But, after that, my knee was really killing me.

Stayed up late again, only a couple more nights I can do that before it’s back to school hours.

Slept pretty good Friday night, surprisingly. I didn’t want to get out of bed, but was up and about around 9:30. Casey stayed in bed until almost 10! He must have needed the sleep.

Got my coffee, parked in SL, took care of my free book & paid emails, and hopped on Minecraft.

Dave had work again, yay! Got to talk to Colin for a bit. He got on Minecraft with me again, and was having the same problems. I wished I could have just gone over there and did the modem/router reboot for him. But, I didn’t even make the suggestion. And, I can’t get to Scotland that fast to do it myself.

Spent more time working on the sandcastle. Got the towers all done! Casey tried helping, but just kept getting in the way.

Autumn wasn’t on until later, she’d stayed up all night playing Minecraft on her world. She said she’s unable to invite me to it because as soon as she goes in it tells her she’s not connected to the internet. That sucks, I’d like to see it sometime. By the time she was on, the towers were complete. The interior was empty, just floors and rooms, but otherwise it was done.

When she saw it, one of us mentioned putting things in it. I wanted to, but didn’t know what, so I asked her if she wanted to help me and we just ended up putting everything we have in our homes, in it as well, but multiplied, and added tables and chairs everywhere. It’s amazing! We just need a beacon for it, but that’ll take time and effort, and mob killing. Lots and lots of mob killing.

Put a minecart system going from my house to the sandcastle, and put chests with carts and carts with chests at each end, so we can send stuff back and forth, or travel back and forth, depending on the need.

Dave made some ravioli for dinner and I asked if I could have some. he said yes, so I chowed down.

Went on a treasure hunt on Minecraft before bed. I wanted to stay up until about 2:30, but I think it was an hour past that when I finally got to bed. It’s the last night I get to stay up late before it’s back to school hours, so I can’t complain too much lol.

Slept pretty good! When my alarm went off about the usual time, I was kinda waking up. So, I shut it off. But, I fell back asleep for another couple hours instead.

Got up, got my coffee and ate a cinnamon roll. It’s kinda a Sunday tradition. Got on SL and parked, then did my free book & paid emails. After that, it was more Minecraft.

I’d seen Autumn was up playing Minecraft until not long before I got up, so I knew not to expect her until later again.

I ended up building a rail system on the bridge that goes from our homes to the nearest village. I thought it would be convenient. Normally we’ll probably take our horses and put them in the stable while we do our trading. But, the minecart does allow for hands-free travel. That can be handy. Also, I put a couple minecarts with chests in a chest next to each starting point, so we can send stuff back and forth. So, if we have more than we can carry home, we can use it for that, or if one is at home and the other’s in the village and needs something. You get the idea, I’m sure.

Just as I was finishing up, Autmn was up and ready to get on. I told her I “did a thing” and that it was a surprise. So, once she was on, I told her I did the thing in the village. So, she starts to head to the village and sees the start of the rail. She was happy about it, I think she knows how useful it could be.

I also did a lot of mining, on and off, throughout the day. Since I have a minecart leading from my home to the sandcastle, I use it to get to the sandcastle, then backtrack down the minecart system a bit, and have a spot I’ve started doing my strip mines. Not finding a ton at the moment, but am finding some diamonds and lots of other things we do use.

Did a treasure hunt and also did an ocean explorer’s expedition. Those were fun. Ended up with a stack of 64 gold + 8. That made up for what I used to build the rail from home to village.

It was kinda an “add” on Minecraft day. I couldn’t stay focused on any one thing for too long. That’s why I did so much. But it was all fun!

Dinner was some Lean Cuisine thing. Dave had the rest of the ravioli from the night before. My knee was aching too much to cook. Hopefully I can make another home chef tomorrow. I’d like to get back into getting Home Chef more often, and blogging about the meals. But, as it is, the only reason we even got this order was because I forgot to cancel it. I wasn’t too disappointed, though, since I love the service.

Now mobs are turned on, so I think I’m going to try and find zombie villagers to cure. I can’t be up too much later, since Casey has to get up for school in the morning. But, a bit of hunting is in order.

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