Didn’t sleep in too late. Got my coffee and got on SL to park, then got on Conan for a bit.
Got Casey a bath in the early afternoon, then we got dressed and headed to Onalaska. We stopped by Panera for a couple cookies, then went to Sam’s Club for some toilet paper. After that we went to Walmart and got his hair trimmed and styled. Then we walked around the store and grabbed a few things. Then it was back home.
In the late evening, I watched an episode of Criminal Minds while Dave and Casey watched a movie downstairs. I hadn’t eaten dinner yet and was glad, lol. I ate a while after finishing the show up. Now I am all caught up on my TV shows!
Got on Aura Kingdom for a bit, then back on Conan. Inspiration hit me and I started building a tower on one side of the upper level of our Jungle home. It’d take a while, and would require farming a lot more materials, but it should look nice.
Once Dave was to bed, I got on Discord and chatted with Nym and Deez as I continued working on the expansion. Eventually, I went to bed.
Slept in a bit Saturday and woke up feeling icky from the cold. Got up, got my coffee, got on SL to park, then started to get on Conan to check things, but was interrupted by an incredibly whiny and fussy Casey.
Casey was being whiny and fussy all morning, but was eventually appeased by Dave offering to get him out of the house.
While they were gone, I chatted with Colin for a bit.
For dinner I made a packet of Cheddar Potato soup. It was better than I expected it to be, and hit the spot after feeling dreadful all day.
Ended up getting on Wiz to do some pet training, then spent some time on Aura Kingdom, then got on Conan to resume the building project. Stayed up until about 1am or so, then hit the hay.