Got up Friday, got my latte and got parked on SL while getting Casey up, dressed, and fed. Dropped him off at school, then headed back home. Got changed on SL, then when Autumn got up we got on Minecraft.
We spent the day traveling to 10,000 blocks in one direction, then 10,000 in another, and then triangling back home. We were both so totally done with Minecraft once we got back, so we got on SL.
Spent the SL time just hanging around chatting. She was doing some shopping and changing clothes, and around the time I think she was done, I was ready for bed, even though it was only 10:30.
Saturday morning, slept in until about 10:30 and woke up feeling groggy. That always happens when I sleep too much. Dave was gone when I got up, presumably at work. Got my latte and got on SL to change. I knew Autumn and I would probably be spending the day on there anyway, but I didn’t have a plan in mind when I got up.
Just as Colin was getting up for the day, Dave got home. So, I got dressed so I could head to Sam’s Club since we needed toilet paper anyway. Got to go by myself and talked to Colin while I was out.
Dave was replacing a car part when I got home, God knows how much that cost us. He likes to go off on me about not having any money, but then blows it without consulting with me.
Got back to SL with Autumn. She ended up getting the Pixie body, and I walked her through how to get it working properly and installing the Omega system to it. I was trying to help her resize some hair, but it wasn’t working right because it was mesh. So, we went to Truth Hair to look at their flexi options. We both ended up buying a couple each, and then headed back to the sandbox to resize them.
She was frustrated that there weren’t Omega clothes that looked Pixie-like. She’s seen the types of clothes I’ve been wearing, so idk why she’d buy the body knowing that there aren’t going to be a lot of options she’d be happy with. I’m completely happy with the options, I’m not concerned with wearing only Pixie-like clothes.