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Daily Tarot

Past, Ten of Wands

You have felt overburdened. This could have been caused by the everyday stuff like overwork, family squabbles, or a grumpy boss. Or was it something more fundamental? Have you been so wrapped with the mundane that you lost your direction?

I have felt overburdened, for quite some time, and it’s just not going away, not getting any better at all. I have constant tension in my head, neck, and whole body even from it. I’ve tried so many things to relax, but all I can seem to manage is distract myself with menial things. It’s mostly the everday stuff, like the near-daily tension between me and Dave.

Present, Five of Cups

Nothing ever stays the same. Whatever it is that you think you have lost or about to loose, stay calm. There is no point going over the past, instead look around you and see what amazing adventures are on offer.

I try to stay calm, but it’s REALLY hard! Part of improving oneself, though, is to look over the past and learn from it. As for what’s around me, I see no amazing adventures.

Future, Queen of Pentacles

Creativity is going to be your middle name, and inspiration will be all around you. Try to look out for a very nurturing person. Someone who’s home loving, fond of children and animals, but very practical, can be a great help to you.

Again with the creativity! Well, all I can say is, I look forward to when this one happens!!

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