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Daily Tarot

Past, Page of Wands

Life has been really exciting since you came across that new idea, or that person. But old and trusted friends have felt a little left out. Equally some projects have been left dangling in the air, try to correct this.

OMG! This is so true! Ever since I came across Wix for my web site I have been excitedly making changes to my site!! Meanwhile, other things do get put on the back burner.

Present, Ten of Swords

You have reached a point where it seems things can’t get worse. Nothing is seeming to go to plan, and fate seems to fight you at every turn. The great news is that this period is ending and your situation soon changes for the better.

Kinda the case, yeah. My knee, for example. I know it *can* get worse, but I kinda am at the point of feeling like it really can’t, despite knowing that’s not the case. I do have a doctor’s appointment with a specialist next week, though, so I do feel like I’m reaching that point of the knee pain being properly dealt with.

Future, The High Priestess/The Papess

A secret will soon be revealed, or perhaps a problem that’s been causing you a few sleepless nights will be solved. The answers may not be found in logical thought but in dreams and inspirations. A memory will become very significant in some aspect of your life and give you good guidance. You will succeed by following your intuition.

I wish not to elaborate on my feelings on this one.

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