Past, Nine of Swords
You’ve been so overwhelmed with problems, yours, or those of someone dear to you, that you have had trouble sleeping and felt overloaded with fears. The problems may be genuine, but acknowledge your weakness and work through them.
Yes, this remains true.
Present, Five of Swords
You’re feeling deflated and defeated, this may be true, but no one wins all the time. You have faced your adversary honourably and there is no shame. Or, perhaps you’re being a bit selfish. Try to be as objective as possible.
I do feel defeated in a lot of ways. Mostly with things around the house, to do with Dave.
Future, Page of Cups
Fantastic flirtatious fun, charming conquests and light-hearted love affairs power in to the frame. All of which are exciting and thrilling, but don’t forget the fabulous flames of love can’t just spark brightly and they need to glow warmly forever.
Sounds fun! YAY! Hey, who’s saying anything about true love? Just give me some excitement! LOL!