Past, Three of Pentacles
You need to step back. You’ve been so engrossed with the minutiae of a project you have lost the bigger picture. Or is it you’ve been over-dependant on the opinions of others? Time to embrace your inner individual.
Hmm. Idk about this one. What I’ve been so engrossed with lately has been getting a new computer. Now, the over-dependant on the opinions of others part, I can kinda see. There’s someone whose opinion I rely on heavily, and I should probably consider my own thoughts and feelings more than theirs.
Present, Page of Swords
Be prepared for some new challenges, they might not be planned, but you’re ready to move projects forward. The best way to make progress is to use education, objectivity, communication and experience to reach decisions. A youthful person may help you.
New challenges can be both nerve-wrecking and exciting at the same time. I am definitely ready for new projects though, to move forward! A youthful person may help me, though? Interesting.
Future, Ace
Soon you will have the resources you need to make a success of your projects – however this is not an invitation to take risks, success will be based on hard work. Anything connected to career or cash is looking good.
My projects at this time, that are either unfinished or ongoing, are the novel I started writing when I was 14, and my web site that is an ongoing thing. That’s about the extent of it. I have worked hard on my web site lately, but my novel is on the back burner until my writer’s block is over. When will it end?!?!