You’ve been juggling far too much at once, keep on like this and you’re bound to drop something. You’ve been over working your body and mind. If a relationship has degenerated into mind games, it’s time to stop playing.
My brain is always jugglign far too much at once. Always dropping stuff. My mind is overworked, not so much my body. Tryin’ to stop the relationship mind games!
Present, Page of Cups
Romantic and idealised love comes knocking on your door. Your amazing amour is imaginative, sensitive, light hearted and flirtatious. But don’t forget the fireworks of first love will change to the glow of a mature relationship. Anticipate this change.
OMG I do feel like love came knocking on my door! Idk that he’s any of those things, though. It was definitely fireworks though, but yeah, we’ll see what comes of it. I will post about this more in depth!!
Future, Nine of Cups
You can expect plenty of pleasure and sublime sensuality in your romantic relationships. Any dreams or ambitions stand a strong chance of success. It will seem as if you can’t put a foot wrong. Be cautious though, others may be envious.
I would love pleasure and sublime sensuality in my relationship!! I love that my ambitions are likely to be successful! YAY! I will try to be cautious and not do anything to make others green.