Past, Ten of Wands
You have felt overburdened. This could have been caused by the everyday stuff like overwork, family squabbles, or a grumpy boss. Or was it something more fundamental? Have you been so wrapped with the mundane that you lost your direction?
I do feel overburdened when it comes to things in the family. Most days, I just feel like I don’t know where to begin to set things straight.
Present, Page of Cups
Romantic and idealised love comes knocking on your door. Your amazing amour is imaginative, sensitive, light hearted and flirtatious. But don’t forget the fireworks of first love will change to the glow of a mature relationship. Anticipate this change.
Idealised, doesn’t sound like it’d really be idea. Idealised, doesn’t that usually mean you think it’s going to be what you want, and then it’s not?
Future, The Empress
You will want the best out of life and all those luxuries sitting in the shops will call to you. But things won’t just fall at your feet, don’t worry, you’re entering a creative time, possibly related to beauty or the arts, and this helps. Generally with this card any plan, however ambitious, will succeed with your effort.
Again with the creativity. I’ll believe it when I see it! I would very much like to get back to my writing!