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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then went home to get Greg. We stopped by his place so he could get his work clothes, then headed back out. He forgot his phone, so I had to turn around and go back. We stopped at Family Dollar on the way to his work.

I had a telehealth visit with Lisa at 9:45. It went pretty well, and I felt like for the first time I was to talk to her about the problems I was having and how I fixed them myself. Things truly are wrapping up with her. It’s bittersweet.

After the appointment, I went to Walmart to get a few things. I stopped by my work to get gas, then went back home until it was time to pick Casey up from school.

Casey had an eye doctor appointment, so we went there after school. His prescription has doubled but is still not a super strong prescription. We ordered new glasses, then headed home.

For dinner, we went and got some McDonald’s so we could both get a Shamrock Shake. We spent the remainder of the night at home.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to grab some things for Greg. I went and picked him up and took him to work at Molter’s, then headed back home.

I went to China Buffet to get some lunch for us, and we ate together in the parking lot of his work. Afterward, I headed back home until it was time to pick Casey up from school.

Greg wanted to walk home from work, so I just hung out at home until I had to go to work myself.

The shift went ok, but I was incredibly sore and didn’t really get a break. Brenda has a broken back and didn’t really take a break because we had too much to do, and told me I could take a “working break” as well. In other words, I could smoke a cigarette and get straight back to it. No time to sit. And my knee and ankle were both very sore. I wanted to say something, but since she has a broken back I felt it would be out of line.

I headed home after work for a while, but eventually went and picked Greg up and brought him back.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed back home to get Greg. We had to stop by his house on the way to drop him off at work. After dropping him off, I headed back home.

I headed out a couple hours later and stopped by my work for a snack, then went to Walmart to get a few things before returning home.

I picked Casey up from school and we stopped by Burger King so I could get something to eat. Then, we headed home.

Greg wanted to walk home from work again but had me come pick him up a little after 11 at night to stay the night again.

Friday, March 12, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed home to get Greg and take him to work. Then, I had to stop back by the school to drop Casey’s glasses off, since he’d forgotten them. I headed back home until it was time to pick Casey up, and we headed to Molter’s to get some groceries.

We spent a couple hours at home, and Dave arrived to pick Casey up just as I was heading out to pick Greg up from work. Greg and I stopped by Walmart so he could cash his check, then headed back to my place for a while. I took him home just before 8 and spent the rest of the night messing around on the computer and Xbox.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

I went and picked Greg up and took him to work, stopping at the BP along the way so he could get something to drink. Then, I headed back home and alternated between resting and messing around on the computer. I eventually headed back to Molter’s and did some grocery shopping while waiting for Greg to get done with work. Then, we stopped by his place so he could get a few things, and headed back to my place. I had to get ready for work, but he stayed at my apartment while I was gone.

Work went a bit better. I was able to get a break, but we were pretty busy trying to get things done and Steph spent too much time in the bathroom. I almost started calling for someone else to come in and replace her because I wasn’t really sure she should be at work if she was having stomach issues. Well, I knew she shouldn’t be there. But I didn’t call for a replacement.

I’d cleaned the bathrooms Wednesday night, and asked Steph if it was ok if I did the floors. Because of her stomach issues, I ended up having to clean the men’s room as well so we could get out at a somewhat reasonable time.

I headed back home to Greg, and we fooled around a bit before going to bed.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Greg and I spent much of the day hanging out. We ran to Taco Bell to get a late lunch before I had to get ready for work.

We stopped by Family Dollar on the way to his place for me to drop him off, then I went to work.

The shift went better than the previous ones that week. I was working with Brenda and was busily getting the cappuccino machine cleaned and then asked if she wanted to go ahead with the other machines or have me knock them out. She had me do the pop machine, then she did the creamer machine. We were fairly busy throughout the shift, but she hardly had to ask me to do anything. I felt accomplished, it’s not often that I have the opportunity to just get shit done without it being delegated to me.

I got off at 7 and headed home for a short while before going and picking Greg up. He had to get laundry done, so we stopped at Family Dollar so he could get some detergent on the way to the laundromat. Once everything was going in the washers, we went by the Southside Kwik Trip to get some food for us and his boys, then we ran back to the laundromat to get everything in the dryers quick. We went to Greg’s to eat and stayed until Wendy got back, then went to pick Greg’s clothes up from the laundromat and take them back to my place.

I started a movie for us, but Greg fell asleep about halfway through. I finished the movie, then gave him a kiss and went to bed.

Monday, March 15, 2021

I dropped Casey off at school, then headed home to get Greg and take him to work at KFC. Then, I headed back home until later in the afternoon, when I stopped by Walmart to pick some things up for the apartment. I’d spent a few hours rearranging my bedroom and moving Betty out to the main living area and ordered a 9-cube organizer to put her cage on top of and be able to keep stuff organized. I didn’t have the time or energy to assemble the organizer before going to pick Casey up from school.

We went back home for a short while, then went and picked Greg up from KFC and brought him back to the apartment for a couple hours. I had to work, so Dave came and picked Casey up. For the first time since we’ve been together, he didn’t sneak off to another part of the apartment when Dave got here. So, I briefly introduced them. Once they left, I got ready for work, then took Greg home and headed to work.

The shift went better. I was working with Brenda again and we got everything done just about on time. I headed home after work and talked to Greg for a bit before going to bed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

I took Casey to school, then went and picked Greg up. We stopped by my work on the way to his work, then I headed back home and assembled the organizer. The rest of the morning I spent just relaxing and messing around with the computer and Xbox.

I picked Casey up from school and we headed to Family Vision Center to pick up his glasses. Then, we stopped by McDonald’s for a snack to share and ate it in the parking lot of KFC while we waited for Greg to get off work. Greg wanted to stop by my work quick to cash in some lottery tickets and get a few things. Then, we went and dropped Casey off at Dave’s on the way to Greg’s to drop him off.

Greg ended up going to Tim’s later in the evening and had Tim drop him off at my place. We headed out and stopped by my work to get gas and snacks, then hit the road to Shockwave Adult Video. We bought some stuff and headed back to my place to have some fun before bed.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

When Dave came to drop Casey off, Greg peeked his head around from the kitchen to say hi to Dave and Casey. I took Casey to school, then headed back to the apartment to get Greg. We had to stop by his place so he could get changed for work, then I dropped him off at Molter’s. I headed back home and went back to bed. I had an upset stomach, so I didn’t plan to have any coffee and didn’t really want to eat anything either.

Greg called me on his lunch break and could tell I’d been sleeping. We talked for a while, then he had to get back to work.

I got a few things done with my emails, then went to pick Casey up from school. We spent a bit of time at home before heading out to pick Greg up from work. On the way, we stopped at the Southside Kwik Trip for slushies.

I had to get a few things at Molter’s, so we got our shopping done while waiting for Greg to get done with work. We dropped him off at his place, then headed back home.

I spent the evening drinking coffee and going through my emails. I had almost 500 unread emails and got that number down to 64. I was pleased. I also went through the finances. Then Casey read to me for a while before it was time for him to get ready for bed.

Greg had mentioned coming over to my place, and a little after midnight he finally had me go pick him up. He’d been at a friend’s place, so I ended up just picking him up from the side of the road. We stopped by the Southside Kwik Trip, then headed back to my place for the night.

He asked me when my lease was up, and I was curious why he wanted to know. I had an application ready for him to fill out to move in here, but he didn’t think he’d get approved. His plan is to save his stimulus if/when he gets it and put it down as a security deposit on a place together in June when my lease is up.

We didn’t stay up too much later before I was ready for bed.

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