Wednesday & Thursday
Wednesday, got up and got my coffee, got on SL to park, got Casey up, dressed, fed, and off to school. Came back home and got on Conan,...
Wednesday, got up and got my coffee, got on SL to park, got Casey up, dressed, fed, and off to school. Came back home and got on Conan,...
The Three Little People Casey doing shadow puppets Posted by Amber Holt on 29 Nov 2018, 14:05 #fromfacebook
Let’s see… same ole same ole for the most part. Friday, got up and got my coffee, parked on SL, then played Conan on and off for the rest...
Geesh I’m way behind this time. Oh well, nothing remarkable has been going on, so maybe this will be brief. Sunday Got up, got my coffee,...
Slept ok Wednesday night, despite some pain in my knee. Got up and got my latte while I parked on SL and got Casey up, dressed, and fed....
New Study: People Who Swear, Stay Up Late, and Are Messy are More Intelligent If you are a night owl with a messy room, a foul mouth, and...
Sorry, I’m so far behind!!! Sunday Got to sleep in a little bit Sunday morning, but not as late in as I would have liked. Got up, got my...
Friday I got to sleep in a little bit, but not much. Casey was up and got me up. There was no school for a teacher’s planning day. And,...
I was doing so well! But then I got so caught up in other things, it just completely slipped my mind to post. UGH! Woke up at a...
Woke up earlier than I had been again, I thank the time change for that! Got Casey up early as well. Got him dressed, fed, and dropped...
Woke up around 6:30 with Casey jumping into my bed. It startled me, but then I got some snuggles! Got outta bed and got my coffee, got on...
When Online Friendships Are More Honest Than Offline Ones When we are suffering, sometimes the best friends and the most confessional...
Woke up around 6:30, hearing Casey already jabbering away to Dave. I wasn’t in too terrible of a mood, considering I hadn’t heard from...
Woke up around 8 feeling strangely at peace. I guess it’s because I’d not only gotten a good night’s sleep for a change, but also...
Was able to get out of bed a little bit earlier this morning, which at first I was glad about. I sensed it was because I was anxious...
Woke up to a charley horse in my bad leg and a full bladder around 6am. I felt awake and alert enough to get up, but when looking at the...
Got up on time, got Casey ready for school and dropped off. Afterward, just headed home. Got on SL to change and park. Colin bought me a...
Click here to support Medical Treament for Dog Hit by Car organized by Gage Carr On October 22nd while working in Columbus, Georgia I...